Helping you to feel in control of your tax affairs
We offer a free no obligation initial consultation
Get in touch today to see how we can help
Always client led, we take the time to get to know you and your unique circumstances, finding solutions to fit your needs.
As a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales, Amy brings a wealth of experience to our varied client base.
Expertise you can trust. Amy has regularly appeared on BBC radio, locally and nationally, as a tax expert with a passion for helping people really understand their tax affairs.
About us
Amy Gardiner is a Chartered Accountant and tax specialist with over 20 years experience and a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. Bespoke tax and accountancy solutions are offered to a wide variety of clients, including private individuals, freelancers and sole traders, and limited companies.
The practice prides itself on providing a bespoke, client-led service, designed to fit your needs. Always in plain English and affordably priced. Understanding the individual needs of each client is at the heart of the practice. Contact us today for an initial chat, completely free of charge, and with no obligation.
What we offer

Accounts preparation for limited companies and sole traders, ensuring regulatory compliance and always meeting deadlines.

Full tax advisory and compliance services ensure that your business and personal tax affairs are always managed smoothly and efficiently.

Supporting you in managing your employees with payroll and pension processing and HMRC reporting.

Freeing you from the day to day strain of managing your paperwork, invoicing and expenses, allowing you to focus on running your business.

Tax Updates & Resources
5th Self Employment Income Support Grant – applications open
Eligible applicants (sole traders) can now apply for the 5th SEISS grant. In order to apply you will need to calculate your turnover for 2020/21, which we can help with. This is then compared to your turnover in 2019/20 in order to assess the level of turnover...
Update to Covid Support Schemes
July 2021: Updates to Covid Support Schemes The Job Retention Scheme (furlough scheme) is now being wound down. From 1st July the level of grant reduces to 70% of salary for hours not worked, and from 1st August to 60%. Employers will be required to top up...
Tax update 2021/22
New tax year update: 2021/22 Only minor changes to income tax rates and thresholds.• Corporation tax rate unchanged at 19%.• No change to ISA allowance of £20k.• New ‘super-deduction’ tax relief for businesses to reducetheir tax bill by 130% of what they spend on...
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